Wet Beans Buying in Amadeo, Cavite
We just conducted our first buying of wet beans in Amadeo. Only 2 farmers had harvests for a total of 26kg.
One batch at 14 brix — perfect ripeness for fermentation. The other batch was at 16 brix.
Started February 10, 2023, 3:20pm | Temperature: 26°C, outside temperature at 27°C | pH: 7.5
We made a small square ferment. Skin was easy to remove and the taste of the bean was so astringent and grassy but generally pleasant.
Cacao Fermentation After 48 Hours
Temperature: 34.2°C with 31°C outside box.
We are making 48 hours – 48 – 24 – 24 ferment. Due to the 26kg volume of wet beans, it is difficult to reach a higher temperature.
By this stage, the cotyledons are separating and the radicle are changing color. It looks like there’s a day delay due to the small batch; but it’s okay.
It’s considered a good start even if we don’t have enough beans.
Fermenting After 48 + 48 hours
A sweet-sour smell and alcohol. Beans taste less astringent and bitter. Some flavors are now developing.
Center and side temperatures are almost the same at 44°C versus 43°C.
Radicle is now same the color as the cotyledon. Cotyledon has a light purple color with slimy mucilage.
We mixed the beans and prepared new banana leaves.
There will be 2 more days of 24+24.
One of the purposes of fermenting cacao beans is to stop germination. We are now at the aerobic stage as we mix to let oxygen in; and this will generate more acetic acid, which hopefully balances with the alcohol.